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The pathway of Toxins in the body – Entry to Elimination
Toxicant is the name given to the substances that are potential to cause any undesirable effect in the living organism even causing death of the organism on exposure to such compounds.How does these toxic substances gain entry into our body on exposure and what happens to it in our system and how it is eliminated from the body is a quite interesting phenomenon very well defined under the area of science called as ‘Toxicology’...............

Dear priyasaravanan_1406,
I had gone through your article and want to thank you for your article is really useful. It has lot of good information on toxins and related concepts especially those impacting human beings.

Here, I would like to add one more silent killer / toxin which may exists in our homes but is generally not noticed!
It is carbon monoxide, which is also known as "Silent Killer".
This is because it is odorless, tasteless, and invisible to our eyes. So even if it is present in the environment, where we live, it is not recognized. Today in many homes, appliances like home-heaters and other fuel combustion based home-appliances are used. These appliances emit carbon monoxide due to in complete combustion of fuel and less supply of oxygen during combustion. This Carbon monoxide may sometimes be very less in quantity, such that it is not recognized, but one should have its knowledge to prevent health related issue due to its exposure.
Carbon monoxide enters through our respiratory system and replace oxygen carrying hemoglobin molecule. This reduces oxygen level in our body and may even results in damage of vital organs or may sometimes cause death.
Therefore it is important to have its knowledge and to know how to protect ourselves in case of its exposure. To prevent it, one should have proper ventilation in their homes so as to avoid its accumulation even if it is being emitted in the immediate environment. Second in case of symptoms like vomiting, irritation to eyes, and breathing problems, one should immediately take doctors advice and recommended treatment.
Having knowledge of danger is half prevention of its possible impact !Idea
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RE: The pathway of Toxins in the body – Entry to Elimination - by ExpertScie - 11-23-2012, 05:19 PM
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The pathway of Toxins in the body – Entry to Elimination31