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Saying Goodbye To The Toxins

I am Ella. I nearly died from toxic mold poisoning (Stachybotrys). Six years ago, in a house that had water damage, the potent neurotoxins from the mold left me bed-ridden and disabled in my functioning. After testing, the doctors found that I also had very high levels of mercury and lead poisoning. I was poisoned by serious neurotoxins and found myself disabled. I had been very healthy before this happened to me. My husband and I had to flee our house that had the toxic mold. We have been trying to recover our once good health now for 6 years.

The powerful neurotoxins had ripped through my system causing multi-system illness. I have been in a long battle to try to regain my health, but it has been very challenging. The neurotic effects have been debilitating. The heart-break has been unspeakable. I have tried so many ways to get well and have been struggling to survive.

A friend gave me a bottle of PCA a month ago. It has been a miracle. I feel that the layers of neurotoxins are being lifted from my brain. It feels like a curse is being lifted from my body and mind. It is truly miraculous. I am just beginning my program with PCA, but already I have more energy, more clarity, am less shaky, am having less vertigo, no more shooting pains through my head, less swelling and less fatigue. I feel that PCA is giving me my life back.

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Congratulations Ella, that's a wonderful thing.

Just wait for another 4-5 years for biotechnology techniques to develop further and they will really change the way we live.
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