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Medical Biotechnology Is The Dominant Part Of Medical Science.
Biotechnology was first proposed by Karl Ereky, a Hungarian scientist in 1919. Biotechnology is the multidisciplinary study where biological systems are manipulated to develop products for human welfare. This multidisciplinary subject is now involved in medical purposes. Biotechnology develops a collection of processes or techniques using biological systems to innovate new products and services in medical science. Those techniques are applied into industry to produce medical related products on industrial scale. Those industries are called bioindustries.

Microorganisms and enzymes related biotechnology is called conventional biotechnology. Conventional biotechnology has been used to prepare and preserve medically used products. Now this is the time of advanced biotechnology. Recombinant DNA technology, Genomics project etc. are the parts of modern advanced biotechnology. Those technologies are introduced to develop the conventional biotechnology.

Biotechnology plays important role for improving animal and human health. Biotechnologists have taken steps to alleviate major health threats in developing countries such as malaria. AIDS, tuberculosis etc. Effective drugs, vaccines and diagnostic tools are released and developed almost every day for mankind. More feed and food contain increased amount of nutrients and are supplied in the developing poor countries to prevent malnutrition. Bioindustries are the essential parts of biotechnology to expand the production of the products of biotechnology to fulfill the world population’s increasing need. The bioeconomy is now almost depending on the bioindustries.

There are two parts of bioindustries. One part is bio resource industries including crop production, forestry, horticulture, livestock etc development, in one word resource development to produce new products. Another part of bio industry is to utilize bio resource industries such as food, fiber and energy processing to produce pharmaceutical products. High industrial productivity is the greatest challenge for the development of mankind. This is the responsibility of the technologically sound and economically developed countries. Of course this is the largest change of our global economy where 96% of people are involved in biotechnological works and 88% people are working in biotechnological firm in developing countries. Biotechnological market is controlled by United States, Britain, Canada and many European countries such as Sweden, Germany, and Norway etc.

Some innovations discovered by the medical biotechnology are discussed. Asthmatic inhaler devices are developed for the patients suffering from asthma. Those inhalers regulate asthma by giving corticosteroids to the lungs whenever needed. Articular cartilage which controls the movements of the joints is advanced to prevent them from being damaged. Mechanical heart transplant is one of the most useful things for the patients suffering from severe heart diseases.

Antibody recruiting molecules control the immune system of the body to protect themselves from HIV and cancer. They are very much promising antibody molecules. Most smokers know the negative effect of smoking better than the nonsmokers. But they cannot give up smoking because of addiction. New vaccines are developed to enhance will power to give up smoking. The devastating event of pregnancy is stillbirth. New devices are produced to detect the signs of stillbirth that cannot be detected by normal testing systems. Rheos high blood pressure therapy is applied to individuals to prevent drug resistant hypertension. Radiation may increase the risk of cancer. So new radiation devices are introduced which are free from those risks. Medical science is dominated by those types of innovations which are the gifts of medical biotechnology.
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hello charles,
I am a student, holding an undergraduate degree in Biotechnology and one year full time diploma in Clinical research Management. I am currently going for Masters in Medical Biotechnology. I am interested in your posts and I would like to learn more.
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janani2388, one of the best ways to gain knowledge is to engage in mutual discussion. I would recommend you to share your thoughts with others on the forum. You can even write articles like I do, it is always nice to know what others think about your work. Who knows, may be a recruiter meets you one day here.

Biotechnology is overall a great field, I think you have made an excellent choice. The demand of biotech professionals is on the rise, especially in the western countries. I am not sure where you are from, but consider doing PhD from US / UK / Canada / Australia. Salaries are excellent for people holding masters but PhD degrees are always better. Companies like Genentech and Amgen are great, but there are plenty of startups too.
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Biotechnology is the pure biological science which plays an important role in the human and animal health. Agriculture is also a dominant part of the biotechnological system to make products. Biotechnology is also dependent on the knowledge and methods of the outside sphere of the biology.
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Thank you for the spontaneous reply.
I will be pursuing my masters in the US.
This is indeed a wonderful research field but it is vast, since I am at the very beginning level, i think studying lots of related materials might help me develop a focus in it. where do you think I should begin from?
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In my opinion, you should just concentrate on everything needed to get admission among top USA colleges for now. You will get lot of insights and study time for your course itself once you are doing Masters. Right now, scoring good grades during your bachelors degree will probably be most important factor. Additionally some colleges require GRE.

If you are thinking which branch of biotechnology to pursue, then the best place is to go to the job sites (like and see which streams of biotech are in biggest demand. will give you an idea of the pay packages in various biotechnology sectors.
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I've got admission in University of Illinois, college of medicine at Rockford for masters in medical biotechnology. That's especially why I would like to know more about it, so I can be more prepared!
Would surely look forward for your suggestions..
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A short-term training program during or after a biotechnology degree helps in orienting students to adapt to the needs of the bio tech industry. Several biotech company heads felt that hands-on training gives an edge to the prospective candidates during the selection process, though it is not an essential selection criteria. It also helps them to accelerate their career opportunities.
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I am a final year student of Biomedical Engineering but want to do MSc in Biotechnology/Biosciences as my its my feild of interest, i took Biomedical Engg just because there wasnt any university offering Biotechnology, so its a fine idea or i shouldnot do that, as in Biomedical Engineering we are trained more in electronic part as compared to medical sciences.
Waiting for reply guys.

Thank you
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I am Maany and I am currently doing my 2nd yr biotechnology. I would gladly welcome any ideas and suggestions from all of you out there about the best universities for pursuing my masters. Awaiting for your replies.Smile
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Medical Biotechnology Is The Dominant Part Of Medical Science.52