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Uses (and Abuses) of Genetic Engineering
Genetic engineering refers to any of the techniques or methodologies used to alter an organisms’ genome.

Disadvantages of Genetic Engineering

1. In Microorganisms:

Microorganisms have been used to produce products for the use of mankind. However, not all technology is advantageous. Some of the disadvantages of genetic engineering using microorganism s involve horizontal gene transfer, spread of antibiotic resistance, creation of dangerous novel pathogens etc.

2. In Plants (Food):

Like microorganisms, plants have a wide range of application in biotechnology. But the following are some of the important disadvantages:
* creation of new invasive species (super-weeds)
* contamination of organic/non-GM crops/food with transgenes
* loss of biodiversity of farm wildlife
* loss of crop genetic diversity increases famine risk
* more dependence on herbicides
* increase in herbicide use to control volunteers (weedy crop plants)
* horizontal gene transfer into soil and gut microorganisms
* spread of antibiotic resistance marker genes
* genomic instability
* allergenicity of foods
* novel toxicity of foods
* crossing 'species barriers'
* chemical/seed corporations control food supply
* toxins from GM plant debris affect soil flora/fauna
* genetic instability of transgenic lines
* increased risk of pesticide/herbicide resistance
* live recombinant (cancer) viruses from virus-resistant GM plants
* genetic pollution multiplies
* unsustainable agriculture

3. In Animals:

* violation of integrity of animal (crossing species barriers)
* increased instrumentalisation of animals
* animal suffering
* zoonoses (GM animal to human disease transfer in xenotransplantation)
* creation of new viral diseases through transfer

4. In People:

* a new tool for eugenicists (IVF, diagnosis, selection)
* iatrogenic death/illness from gene therapy
* potential for creating a genetic underclass
* instrumentalisation of the one individual by others ('designer babies')
* transmission of adverse effects of germ line manipulation
* creation of GM human beings (embryos) to supply body parts
* iatrogenic illness from drugs made by genetic engineering, e.g. insulin
* risk of mutation from trans-species transfer of 'jumping genes'
* creation of super viruses by viral recombination in human cell culture
* cancer from gene therapy viral vectors recombining with endogenous viruses

5. Bioweapons:

Amongst all the disadvantages of genetic engineering, one that receives special mention is a bioweapon. Bioweapons have been used since man participated in organized wars. Even though many microbes aren't suitable for use as weapons, with new technology developing every second it is possible and probable that man will be able to overcome the restrictions on using microorganisms as weapons. This is a scary thought as then life will lose its importance with easy access to bioweapons.
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RE: Disadvantages of Genetic Engineering - by SagarikaGhosh - 08-19-2013, 01:24 AM
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Uses (and Abuses) of Genetic Engineering00