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plasmid maintenance increase without antibiotics

My name is Martijn and am working on a project in which we want to have a certain bacteria strain populate a mosquito strain after having fed this bacteria through a bloodmeal. The bacteria should carry a plasmid with different DNA markers which should make it possible to identify the bloodmeal the mosquito took. We want to be able to detect this plasmid 8 days post feeding and that is what makes this project quite challenging. We do not want to give the mosquito antibiotics so there is no pressure on plasmid maintenance during these 8 days and at the moment we find only about 50% of the mosquitoes positive after that time for bacteria harbouring the plasmid. We want to increase this and maybe someone here has some nice tips to obtain that?
We currently use a non-mobilizable, midle-copy number plasmid but there is also a mobilizable version commercially available. Would this increase plasmid maintenance in our mosquitoes?
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plasmid maintenance increase without antibiotics00