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Diabetes: Symptoms, Treatment and Latest Research
Hello Rajan how are you?

I am going to be the devil’s advocate here and ask why do you say diabetes is a simple disease? And as you rightly said if it was a simple disease then why is it so difficult to manage? And if so why is there consequent organ damage from uncontrolled diabetes?

I personally believe that we should transfer our focus from treating the disease and focus on preventing the disease. As you know diabetes is a lifestyle disease and we know that certain populations are at a higher risk of contracting the disease. I think we should start with that premise and strengthen our primary care facilities to manage diabetes or keep it at bay as you say. Why should we wait for renal damage before starting aggressive treatment? Simple daily exercises and reducing the amount of carbohydrates in our diet can go a long way.

With that being said I am going to zero in on the point about bitter gourd being helpful to type 2 diabetes. Research using bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) as a single dose on animals have shown to reduce blood glucose levels and Hba1c levels. The juice form of the fruit has been more effective than the dried food products. Children drinking bitter gourd tea resulted in headaches and hypoglycemic episodes and coma.

On the otherhand, research on bitter bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) or locally known as lauki, ghia or dudhi in India has shown to cause toxicity and in extreme cases death. More than half of the persons drinking the bottle gourd was shown to have hypotension after consumption. It was recommended after the research to ban the consumption of bottle gourd as it can cause abdominal discomfort, bleeding and vomiting.

One may ask if bottle gourd and bitter gourd the same? For clarification purposes, bottle gourd is bitter gourd mixed with juice.

Hence based on research bitter gourd does have some healing properties but in what doses? Before considering its use you should consult your physician.

I think more thorough research should be done in bitter gourd and other natural fruits and vegetables before venturing into genetic research and cloning. Maybe instead of developing insulin storage devices which the body may reject, we need to develop products that will stimulate glycogen storage and increase hepatic glycogen synthesis.

Happy reading and do feel free to reply and comment on my posting.


1. Arachchige, NW. 2014.Bitter Gourd and its antidiabetic properties. Available at
2. Sharma SK et al. 2012. Assessment of effects on health due to consumption of bitter bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) juice. The Indian Journal of Medical Research. Available at
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Diabetes: Symptoms, Treatment and Latest Research00