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Can electrical frequencies kill most diseases?
As I understand, certain frequencies can help destroy bacteria, pathogens, viruses as well as HIV and AIDS. In therapeutic means, this would be possible using ultrasound or red light as well since it is a photodynamic way to kill bacteria as well.

Our bodies as I learned is able to produce around 10 to 100 millivolts (Nanomedicine). If this is the case, why not use electricity to cure illnesses through frequencies lower than the bodies voltage/current level to cure all illnesses? Using electricity seems like a better alternative to ultrasound or red light. Our bodies can handle electricity, since we produce them anyways. It just sounds logical that using electricity to cure illness, by nature, fits the description of a good adaptation to the body, but in very low voltages.

This does bring to mind about blood electrification. Does this work, or does it not? Just passing blood cells, along with those bacteria, pathogens, viruses that travel along with them through an electric frequency field in VERY low voltages should help keep blood cells plump and healthy and destroy illnesses around them. What do you guys think about this?

I know there are still further studies being made for this subject, but it sounds just right that Electrocurrent should do the trick for any illnesses out there, and might be good for the future.
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Can electrical frequencies kill most diseases?51