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IIT Guwahati M.Tech Biotechnology Written Test Help
Hello, can anyone share their written test/interview experience for admission to the M.Tech Biotechnology program @IIT Guwahati? What are the main topics one should focus on for the written test and is it all multiple choice?
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Please also give advise for written/interview test for Ph.D Biotechnology at IIT Guwahati.
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Hello all,

Just now I finished a telephonic conversation with one of the PhD scholars (Biotechnology) at IIT Guwahati. Following is a brief of the talk:

Question: Do they hold a written for the screening?
Ans: Yes, they do.

Question: It would be great if you could elaborate the details of the written.
Ans: The written test consists of GATE level aptitude and Mathematics. And questions from Molecular Biology, Applied Microbiology and Bioprocess (telling as per my own experience and recent trends in our department).

Question: Any specific suggestion for interview stage?
Ans: Interview panel is usually of 3 people. They will provide you with a list of projects available for PhD. You'll have to express your interest. And then they will check your skills in the related field. Panel is polite and won't be harsh. Stay calm and choose wisely. And, keep in mind that you will be tested on basic knowledge related to the subjects required in the project. You are not expected to be an expert in the project related field (otherwise, there is no need for PhD!). Panel understands the level of your status, and won't ask out of the world/very difficult questions. If your basics are clear, you will be through. Confidence and Calmness are the keys.

Polish your skills on the projects done till date as well.

The guy doesn't want to be named, so I have kept it anonymous.

Hope it helps all the aspirants

Best wishes
Sunil and the Anonymous one
Sunil Nagpal
MS(Research) Scholar, IIT Delhi (Alumnus)
Advisor for the Biotech Students portal (
Computational Researcher in BioSciences at a leading MNC

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Top Biotech Companies | Top places to work
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IIT Guwahati M.Tech Biotechnology Written Test Help00