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Biotechnology career after 12th class - BSc or B.Tech
(01-18-2015, 10:32 PM)deepika choudhary Wrote: sir,
i have passed my 12 with subjects pcb
so i want ur help to tell me that what to after btech in biotechnology(not maths)
as some college provide both btech +mba and btech+mtech integrated course . But what is great choice in ur point of view in terms of job and as such career wise
and some colleges also provide btech (medical biotechnology) plz tell me something about it
and plz tell me it's future career prospectus for the same atully i do have intrest in medical
i appreciate ur soon rply
heartiest regards

Hi Deepika,

First of all, really sorry for the delayed response.

I will answer your query with some cross-questions. Your responses will help in giving proper suggestion.

1. You said that you have passed 12th. Does that mean that you passed in 2014 and you have dropped 1 year, and are yet to enrol for higher education?
(I am assuming that you are yet to pass 12th PCB in March-April 2015 and shall need admission in some college by June-August 2015).

2. Assuming that you are yet to pass 12th, I'll recommend following options:
a. Keep an eye on Competitive exams for admission in B.Tech (hope you applied for some in December; other are yet to come)
b. B.Tech Biomedical, Bioinformatics, Biochemical, Food and Agricultural Biotech are hot fields and can offer good jobs. Amongst these, B.Tech Bioinfo will be most paying and will lead to easy job  (big data is a big concern in DNA sequencing these days). Biomedical is more towards wet lab research, and in some colleges, you might need to go for hardcore mathematics courses  to clear the credit requirements.
c. If you are interested in Computers and it's applications, and at the same time love Biotech/Biology; then Bioinfo is the field for you.
d. Avoid integrated courses! or frankly, DONOT GO FOR INTEGRATED COURSES. Some one specially spending 2 years for Masters is always preferred over an integrated course student.
e. Go for B.Tech and in 4th year apply for GATE. Avoid MBA in Biotech, unless you get a brilliant college like NITIE or IIM.
f. If you go for B.Tech in Biomedical, then best colleges for masters are IIT Kanpur, NITIE, IIT Bombay (all accept GATE score). Your future will be very bright (consultants in MNCs, researchers in foreign universities/MNCs) if you clear GATE and do masters in biomedical from these colleges.

A PhD, as admin said, is always an option after B.Tech and Masters; but before that you need to make a wise decision in choosing correct subject and then aiming for correct exams for admission in Masters.

For now:
1. Avoid integrated courses.
2. B.Tech in Biotech/Biomedical and Bioinfo are all good for job. Food and Agricultural Biotech is also good option.
3. Focus well on keeping your performance good in academics and try staying above 80% for a very successful career in Biotech.

Hope it helps


Sunil Nagpal
MS(Research) Scholar, IIT Delhi (Alumnus)
Advisor for the Biotech Students portal (
Computational Researcher in BioSciences at a leading MNC

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Biotechnology career after 12th class - BSc or B.Tech00