Hi Chirag,
I'll recommend a direct interaction with Dr Rajeev Kumar JAIMAN (mperkj@nus.edu.sg) of Department of Mechanical Engg of NUS. Let him know your interest in doing PhD under his guidance, explaining well about your experience at DRDO and your publication(s). Once he responds, let him know of your academic percentage, apart from your GATE qualification and GRE/TOEFL plans. Research well about his profile before you draft a mail.
Reason I'm asking you to do this is that it will ensure the usefulness of applying at NUS. You have bright chances considering a strong candidature in terms of experience, LORs and publication. You may apply without a thought, but it would be great to interact with the prospective guide first.
Also, try Dr RAMAKRISHNA SEERAM, Dr. Shailendra P. JOSHI, Dr A SENTHIL Kumar, Dr DUONG Hai Minh, Dr. Manoj Gupta and Dr PALANI Balaya in case he doesn't respond. Try not to send the mails to all of these together.
Best wishes
(07-02-2014, 07:50 PM)chiraganand1 Wrote: Hi Sunil,
I am planning for PhD in NUs/NTU in the discipline of mech/aero and field of composites and ndt. My problems are as follows
1. Low %age in BE- 68.84% -2.76 CGPA and Masters CGPA= 7.94/10
Masters in Aero Engg from Madras Institute of technology through gate admission in 2009 and received stipend. GPA was 7.94/10. I had done my theisis at Aeronautical Development establishment (lab of DRDO) in composites and NDT. I have one paper published in a NDE conference. Could not publish more due to govt restrictions. I am giving GRE and TOEFL in Sept and trying to score really good in that. With my %ages if i get a good GRE score is it possible for admit and scholarship? LORs from Scientist, HOD at DRDO and Professor from university (Doctorate). Please let me know if i should apply or its all just a waste of time
Thanks and Regards
Hi Altamash,
Please find the detailed info on the Research themes of Dept of Mechanical Engineering at NUS
Your percentage is low but if it still keeps you in 1st class (as per university degree) then you can apply without a hiccup. I hope your GATE score hasn't expired yet. The placement history of NUS is quite bright so need not to worry about that. During PhD only you'll get a healthy stipend of around INR 80,000 per month. Salaries are often in range of 3000-4000 singapore dollars.
Best wishes
(07-01-2014, 09:50 PM)Altamash Khan Wrote: hi Sir,
i have completed my mechanical engg in 2011 with 65%from Mumbai university and working since then.my gate score is 95 percentile. please let me know what are my chances in nus/ntu and also what is the scope of Masters in mech engg or related field. i have also cleared GRE n ielts with good score. also let me know which courses do they offer for masters in mech engg related field?? and what are their scope in terms of job and salary etc??
khan altamash