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Probiotic may be the best solution for your health problems
You may be in dilemma when you will hear that 'Probiotic is for life and Antibiotic is against life'. But it is apparently the most advanced era of biological science. Antibiotics may have severe side effects whereas the probiotics does not cause any side effects rather it improves immune system that is necessary to prevent a bacterial disease.

Probiotics may seem like a regular tablet or syrup but it is nothing like this, rather it is live conducive microorganisms that help our body to improve our immune system. Bifidobacteria and lactic acid bacteria are the most common microorganisms which are used as probiotics and help the human body to a great extent. You may be hesitant how to take live microorganisms, but think about this, all fermented foods like yogurt, bread and cheese have live microorganisms and they all are probiotics (indirectly).

Probiotics affects our intestinal system very positively and fight the pathogens in our intestinal system. Researchers have expressed positive opinion and they are experimenting if probiotics can be used to treat even acute diseases like cancer. In fact Probiotics help in prevention of atopic disease, urogenital diseases and other pathogen induced diarrhea.

The most interesting information is that the percentage of the probiotics bacteria in our body is 85% whereas other 15% are not conducive for our health.

The alteration of gut micro-ecology through probiotics works favorably for our body and enhances the immune system. Subsequently the unfriendly microorganisms are prevented from the foothold in our body. Probiotics prevents overgrowth of yeast as well as fungus. It is reported that probiotics may be even helpful in reduction of cholesterol level.

For the treatment of Candida, probiotics are recommended widely. This fungal infection is prevented as the friendly probiotics bacteria tries to defeat the growth of Candida. It also plays crucial role in the prevention and treatment of vaginal yeast infection, thrush and many other unknown disease. These microorganisms will provide you good health and it is reported that 400 types of friendly bacteria are needed to maintain good health.

We all know that our intestinal flora are most delicate and may be damaged by sodium fluoride and chlorine. Interestingly this damaging factor is present in treated city water and also present in beverages. Taking alcohol can damage our intestinal flora too. Some researchers believe that taking birth pill and several other antibiotics may wreak havoc over the friendly bacteria. So the ratio of good bacteria may be decreased and you may face different problems like constipation, excessive gas and several other problems will arise in your body. But if you take more probiotics, that friendly bacteria will combat against the bad bacteria and will ensure you a healthy body and healthy mind. So take probiotics and enjoy a healthy life.
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Probiotics are live microorganisms that are similar to beneficial microorganisms found in the human gut. I think that Probiotic supplements help create a healthy digestive system. A good pro-biotic can restore that balance and pave the way to good health. The word probiotics, from pro and biota, actually means for life. Thus they are the good organisms, bacteria, that is added, or occurs naturally.
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Probiotics normally used as an ingredient of some herbal colon cleansing. It is a live microorganisms, when used in the exact amount, it has a clear advantage for us. When the probiotic is taken in sufficient size, it is useful to your body

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That means if we add probiotic foods like probiotic milk, cheese etc. in our daily diet, it will help improve our immune system? Doesn't the body gets used to it and the natural immunity starts decreasing?
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Pro biotic normally used as an ingredient of some herbal colon cleaning if it a live micro organisms when used in the exact amount, It has a clear advantage for us. When the Probionic is taken in sufficient size it is useful to your body...
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Yes agree with you that is really great product and I have used to this one. Its seems good as well as tastes good..
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Probiotic is a Latin word which means for –life. As its name suggests these are the micro-organisms meant to support life. Probiotic are mainly present in our digestive system, and even though it’s main function is to help in digestion of the food but it also plays an important role in boosting the immune system and suppress growth of harmful microorganism in the body. The best example of role of probiotics can be understood with recently developed antibiotics. Many a times when we take antibiotic for certain diseases, there is a complaint about the acidity problem, ulcers in mouth etc. Therefore to protect from these side effects now a day’s many antibiotic are produced along with spores of lactic acid bacillus (Probiotics ) as its one of the component and which mainly help in restoring the normal bacterial flora of Gastrointestinal tract and help in restoring the digestion system. Examples of such antibiotics are amoxicillin, cloxaciling etc.
With the new research and isolation of new species, it has been found that almost 400 plus species of microorganism can be used as probiotic due to their specific properties which helps in improvement of digestive and immune system. Research have proved that probiotic can help in many dieses like Diarrhea, treating the lactose intolerance, in colon cancer treatment , in treating ulcers caused by mainly Helicobacter pylori, as well as can be a good food supplement. Apart from above mentioned uses Probiotics are used in preparation on ice creams, cold-drinks and in juices.
HOWARU straw is a straw developed by Danisco Company which has a thin layer of probiotic inside the straw, when animals take water; probiotic mix with liquids and are absorbed inside the body, thus helps indigestion. In Davis, university of California a new technique has been developed which helps probiotic to survive in acidic condition. This is done by encapsulating probiotic in calcium alginate, so it helps in improving the sustainability and stability of diary product. For such innovations, many patents are also registered.
With such innovations, those days are not far away, when single breakfast in the morning will not only digest the food in proper way but also will make us immune against different types of pathogenic microorganism those are encountered! Probiotic is a gift of nature and it also teaches us that symbiosis is a way of growing in life.
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Probiotics are microorganisms such as bacteria or yeasts that are found naturally and are believed to have beneficial health effect. Probiotics are also referred as “good bacteria” and are available in yogurts and dietary supplements and other products such as creams and suppositories. There are different types of probiotics, with various their benefits to health that are determined by the role they play in the gut. Probiotics must be identified by their genus, species, and strain level. The two most important probiotic bacteria belong to Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium, group. Besides, some other probiotics are Streptococcus thermophilus, Leuconostoc, Enterococcus faecium, Saccharomyces boulardii.

Probiotic formulations have been found quite promising as far as health care is concerned, however, strong scientific evidence regarding specific application of probiotics for most health conditions is still lacking. Investigations suggest that probiotics may have fewer side effects. Probiotics may be quite dangerous for patients with weak immune systems or having seriously ill health.
It is absolutely necessary to consult health care professionals before considering a probiotic supplement. It is not recommended to quit any medically proven treatments with any unproven supplements. Although still being investigated, probiotics may help fight several disorders such as:

  • Diarrhea in children
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Infantile enterocolitis
  • Diarrhea from antibiotic
  • Intestinal inflammation following intestinal surgery referred to as pouchitis
  • Eczema from cow’s milk allergy
  • Immune system related problems
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Vaginitis
  • Crohn's disease

Concept of probiotics was first introduced in the early 20th century by Nobel laureate Elie Metchnikoff, also known as “father of probiotics”. According to him microorganisms could play a critical part in prevention of health associated problems in humans.
The human body, especially the gut or the lower gastrointestinal tract comprises of a complex and diverse group of bacteria. It is estimated that in a healthy adult, number of microbial cells outnumber the number of human cells by a factor of ten to one. Although some bacteria are considered as harmful germs a large group of bacteria has actually been observed to help proper functioning of the body. Various possible mechanisms behind the effect of probiotics in human health have been suggested. These include alteration of an intestinal microecology as for example a reduction of harmful intestinal microorganisms and stimulating the immune response of the body. Foods containing natural probiotics include yogurt, aged cheeses, kefir, Sauerkraut, Miso, Tempeh, some of the soy beverages. Some probiotic-fortified products are also available such as chocolates, juices, cereals and flour.
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Probiotic may be the best solution for your health problems00