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Leading institutes for Bioinformatics in India
Want to pursue a career in Bioinformatics? Here are some of the leading colleges and universities in India - Written by Maitree Baral

Bioinformatics is a multi disciplinary approach that involves computational, mathematical and statistical methods to decipher the biological information. It is an emerging field having a lot of scope for research. Currently students and researchers are showing more interest in getting deep into this new arena of biology, where mathematics, statistics and computer science knowledge is being implemented for deciphering biological concepts. And since the completion of the Human Genome Project (HGP), the importance and demand has become more imperative in this field.

Bioinformatics has reached its adulthood in India! Since its inception into the curriculum of Indian Institutes, there hasn’t been a setback for this course. It has been accepted more vehemently, than it was supposed to be. It is because of the fact that, it is something beyond the stereotypical biological researches. What excites researchers more is the application of computer science and mathematics throughout the research. And all these factors make Bioinformatics one-of-its-kind in the entire research world.

There are a number of Institutes in India offering courses in Bioinformatics, basically at graduate and post graduate levels (B.Sc., M.Sc., B.Tech and M.Tech). The minimum eligibility criterion for getting admitted into a professional degree course (B.Sc. and B.Tech) of Bioinformatics is a pass in 10+2 with a biology back ground. Similarly for getting enrolled into a postgraduate course (M.Sc. and M.Tech) in bioinformatics, one needs to have a biology background with a pass in graduation. These eligibility conditions are uniform throughout all the institutes of the country. Along with these, Diploma courses are also available in bioinformatics.

Given below are some of the best Indian institutes providing courses in bioinformatics:

B.Sc. Bioinformatics
• Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Madhya Pradesh
• Pondicherry University, Puducherry
• Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala
• Manipal University, Maharashtra
• Guru Nanak Dev University, Punjab
• Punjab University, Chandigarh
• Shivaji University, Maharashtra
• Bharathidasan University, TamilNadu
• Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Maharashtra
• Awadhesh Pratap Singh University, Madhya Pradesh
• Sardar Patel University, Gujarat

M.Sc. Bioinformatics
• Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya : School of Biotechnology, Madhya Pradesh
• Sri Ramachandra University College of Biomedical Sciences, Tamil Nadu
• IFTM University, Uttar Pradesh
• Bharathidasan University, TamilNadu
• Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Maharashtra
• University of Pune : Bioinformatics Centre, Maharashtra
• Pondicherry University : Bioinformatics Centre, Puducherry
• University of Calcutta, West Bengal
• Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi

B.Tech Bioinformatics
• Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Uttar Pradesh
• Amity University, Uttar Pradesh
• Dr. D.Y. Patil Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Institute, Maharashtra
• Dr. M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu
• IASE University, Uttar Pradesh
• Jaypee University of Information Technology, Himachal Pradesh
• Karunya University, Tamil Nadu
• Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Madhya Pradesh
• SRM University, Tamil Nadu

M.Tech Bioinformatics
• SRM University, Tamil Nadu
• Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Madhya Pradesh
• Karunya University, Tamil Nadu
• Poonaiyah Ramajayam Institute of Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu
• NIIT University, Rajasthan
• University of Pune, Maharashtra

Diploma in Bioinformatics
• Bharathiar University, Tamil Nadu
• Assam University, Assam
• Haryana Agricultural University, Haryana
• Banasthali University, Rajasthan

Bioinformatics has ample of scope in India. Fields like sequence analysis, database design maintenance, proteomics, genomics, pharmacogenomics, pharmacology, drug designing, 3D structure modeling are being researched extensively. One can go for research in the leading research institutes of the country, hospitals, private research laboratories and pharmaceutical companies and industries as Research Associate (RA), Junior Research Fellow (JRF), Senior Research Fellow (SRF) and Project Assistants. One can also go for Doctoral in bioinformatics, immediately after getting the Masters degree by clearing national level exams like Bioinformatics National Certification Examination (BINC) and National Eligibility Test (NET). Moreover since the current trend in the employment sector requires the knowledge of computer science in addition to the mainstream career, having a professional degree in bioinformatics help the students in finding a job in any IT sector (Wipro, Infosys, Tata Consultancy Services, Accelrys, Inc., etc.) as well. The computational aspect of Bioinformatics proves to be very beneficial for students as it opens up job prospects in other sectors, like banking.

Finally, in a nutshell, bioinformatics initiated as an effort to digitalize the biological research area which eventually proved to be a milestone in the research sector.
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Hello Sunil Sir..

I m in the final year of biotechnology and i want to know about future carrer prospects in
1- Food Biotechnology
2- Bioinformatics
3- Genetic Enginnering..

In all the 3 fields ,I havent worked or been exposed to above fields but heard that these fields,after UG one can expect a good job with decent salary too,
And I also dont want to continue to reseaarch in biotechnology.

Please guide me through,so as to plan my further studies in any of the fields mentioned.

and since i m not exposed to any of the field,would it require any diploma in the fileds to get an exposure..

Hoping for positive response..

Ali Ahmed
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(04-12-2017, 05:05 PM)Ali Ahmed Wrote: Hello Sunil Sir..

I m in the final year of biotechnology and i want to know about future carrer prospects in
1- Food Biotechnology
2- Bioinformatics
3- Genetic Enginnering..

In all the 3 fields ,I havent worked or been exposed to above fields but heard that these fields,after UG one can expect a good job with decent salary too,
And I also dont want to continue to reseaarch in biotechnology.

Please guide me through,so as to plan my further studies in any of the fields mentioned.

and since i m not exposed to any of the field,would it require any diploma in the fileds to get an exposure..

Hoping for positive response..

Ali Ahmed
Hello Ali,

In terms of Job prospects, Food Biotechnology and Bioinformatics are trending these days.

For job in food biotech sector you can get an offer with BTech only. Companies like Nestle, Dabur, FCI are frequent in recruiting.

For Bioinformatics, you will need to start your career either as a trainee (like through BCIL) or joining a start up. You can join IT MNCs like Wipro, TCS, IBM, Infosys as a software engineer to start with and later shifting to a project related to Biotechnology/ Health care. For making a good career in Bioinformatics, it is always helpful to have a support of related internship or industrial training.

Please refer the following thread for some useful information. If you find that useful do share it with your colleagues (some how Google is not displaying it in top searches despite a good popularity).

Hope it helps
Sunil Nagpal
MS(Research) Scholar, IIT Delhi (Alumnus)
Advisor for the Biotech Students portal (
Computational Researcher in BioSciences at a leading MNC

Suggested Reads:
Top Biotech Companies | Top places to work
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Biotechnology Competitive Exams in India
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Thanks alot sunil sir for your reply sir..
one ore query i had sir..
Since I am about to complete my in biotech this may..and I want to get into in bioinfo ..
but i was never exposed before to it.. as i heard that theres alot of programming involved in how should i proceed to learn from the basics of it.. as i was a biology student in my +2..?

And even though after getting into some college for in bioinfo..and then sitting for placements in IT companies..
how should prepare for getting into them as according to latest trends and eligibilities being asked for..
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Leading institutes for Bioinformatics in India00