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Make in India and Biotechnology

As an Indian citizen I am keen to discuss the impact of Prime Minister Modi's new Make in India campaign and its impact on te Indian biotech industry.
One of the sectors that the investment campaign focuses on is biotech, and shares the following statistics on India's biotech industry:

3rd biggest biotech industry in the Asia-Pacific region.
2nd highest number of USFDA–approved plants.
USD 3.7 Billion to be spent on biotechnology from 2012-17.
No. 1 producer of Hepatitis B vaccine recombinant.

The campaign also describes a number of reasons to invest in the industry which i find very interesting and promising.
India is amongst the top 12 biotech destinations in the world and ranks third in the Asia-Pacific region.
India has the second-highest number of USFDA–approved plants, after the USA.
India adopted the product patent regime in 2005.
Increasing government expenditure will augment the growth of the sector — the government aims to spend USD 3.7 Billion on biotechnology between 2012-17.
India is the largest producer of recombinant Hepatitis B vaccine.
India has the potential to become a major producer of transgenic rice and several genetically modified (GM) or engineered vegetables.

Do share your thoughts and critiques on the this initiative. I personally am very optimistic and hope these effots help the biotech industry in India reach new heights.
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